Nikon P900 vs P1000 Zoom Test: Mt Eden to One Tree Hill (3KM)

Continuing our new “Views from Mt Eden” we hit the double camera with some good old #Nikon #P900vsP1000

Using both the Nikon P900 and Nikon P1000 we will flex both the focal and digital zoom for a side by side comparison over 3KM.

This video shows a near eye level shot of One tree hill, a volcanic cone famously referenced in a U2 song in tribute to a kiwi friend of the band. You will notice the lack of tree on this hill, this is due to a protester attempting to chop it down in the late 90s. Although the tree survived this attack it was considered a danger due to its health and removed some time later.

One tree hill itself served as a Maori stronghold prior to European colonisation of New Zealand and the distinct plateaus carved into the hill can still be seen today.

#Zoom Distance = 3KM

Height = Mt Eden: 196M to One Tree Hill: 182M

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